Saturday, July 15, 2017

Remote Control...

Last night, I had a sudden flashback to a funny game show that used to air on MTV.  The late Ken Ober hosted with help from comedian Colin Quinn.  I didn't watch Remote Control religiously, but every once in awhile, I'd catch it.  It ran from 1987-1990.

Here's a full episode from 1989.

I remember this show was based on the premise that Ken Ober always wanted to be a game show host.  He made up his mother's basement and contestants would sit in La-Z-Boy recliners, strapped in with seatbelts.  When one would get eliminated, they'd be thrown off the set in their chairs, which was why the seatbelts were handy.  They were asked trivia questions about pop culture, music, and TV shows.  Since I love that shit, I was pretty good at the game myself.  Alas, I was a bit young to try to get on the show.

After the first round, there was a snack break.  But given that this was a wacky show, the snacks were delivered in rather unconventional ways.  Like, for instance, contestants would put bowls on their heads to catch whatever snacks that dropped over them.  Or they'd get it delivered in some other weird way.  

There was a lightning round, then came the final round for the player with the most points.  I want to say the contestants were on Craftmatic adjustable beds for that.

Craftmatic adjustable beds were always a commercial mainstay on independent TV stations in the 80s.

Here's an ad for a Craftmatic bed from the 80s.

As the show got more popular, comedians started making appearances.  Denis Leary and Adam Sandler were both on Remote Control as guest stars.

Unfortunately, Ken Ober died suddenly in 2009.  He was only 52 years old at the time.  Apparently, he'd had flu symptoms prior to his death.  I'm still not sure exactly why he passed away.  I see that he died three days before my dearly departed Flea did in 2009.

I'm surprised Remote Control only lasted five seasons over three years.  It was a funny show.  But it probably wouldn't work today because the stuff that made it funny in the late 80s is now terribly passé.  Once again, I'm glad I grew up when I did.  That was a fun era.

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