Saturday, April 14, 2018

Da Da Da by Trio

The same friend who inspired yesterday's post about Billy Crystal also inspired today's post.  Here's a catchy number by a German band called Trio.  It was popular in 1982.

I remember hearing this song in the old teen sex movie, Private School.  My parents were pretty slack about monitoring what I watched on HBO.

Not surprisingly, this song's title is equally non-sensical.  It's called "Da Da Da" and it was a huge hit in Germany and 30 other countries.  Alas, Trio was not destined to hit the jackpot twice.  "Da Da Da" was their biggest hit and their only hit outside of Germany.  I'm not sure songwriting was their strong suit, although the melody is definitely an ear worm.  

You can hear "Da Da Da" on this ad for Private School...  Trio probably got well compensated for that.  

It was also used in a Volkswagen ad in 1997.

Although I was never into sex movies for teenagers, I do remember loving Private School.  It had some funny parts in it and a great soundtrack.  I was also horse crazy at the time and there was a very memorable scene involving horses in that movie.  Private School was released in 1983.  I turned eleven in June of that year.  No, I shouldn't have been watching it, but my parents didn't care.

I see someone posted the whole film on YouTube, but it's a bit distorted.  I could probably waste some serious time watching crappy 80s movies today, but the sun is out and it's the weekend.  So instead, I think I'll try to come up with something interesting to do.  

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